New Year … New You? Make a commitment to improving your English!

Welcome to a New Year, 2016. Why not make THIS the year you finally commit to improving your English?


Here are three simple things you can do to speak better English in 2016.

  1. Make it a routine

One of the biggest problems that students have with learning English, or any other language, is that they forget to practice or they get distracted by other things.

The most important change you can make to improve your English is to make it a HABIT. Try to find something simple you can do every day.

Make sure it fits into your daily routine as well. Think about if you have time in the morning before work, in your lunch break or in the evening when you get home. Make time for English every day and you’ll find in a couple of weeks it will become natural!

2. Don’t overdo it!

The second big problem that students often have is that they start off studying for hours and hours everyday. This is BAD. If you do this, you will quickly reach burnout and you won’t want to even look at an English language textbook, no matter how pretty the cover is.

The best way to study is slow and steady. Aim for 10 – 15 minutes of study per day. 

3. Variety is the spice of life

Make sure, though, that you don’t spend everyday doing the same activities. Listening to music in English is great, but if this is the only thing you do you will only improve your listening skills!

Try to do different activities. Spend time writing an email or posting on an online forum one day, then the next day try chatting to an English speaking friend or just to yourself (use the bathroom mirror!). Get creative and keep yourself interested. Remember you will learn better and remember more when you are doing something fun.

I hope you have a great 2016, and don’t forget to check out my YouTube video for more simple things you can do to improve your English!

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